NDIS software data driven dashboards better decision-making

Data-driven dashboards for better decision-making

Data-driven dashboards for better decision-making

Providing timely and effective services in the NDIS and My Aged Care requires the management of individual participants or clients as well as the flow and demands of the entire organisation. Dashboards visualise a consolidated set data for a certain purpose which enables users to see what is happening and to initiate actions through information visualisations that will better support decision-making in-the-moment. Dashboards to support and improve the performance of services and processes, and the potential it holds for supporting real-time decision-making. Here, we discuss the functions of Dashboards widgets specific for NDIS and My Aged Care providers in Australia.

Keywords: NDIS, My Aged Care, dashboards, quality data, client relationship management, bi, widgets, Linked Data widgets

Providing timely and effective services in the NDIS and My Aged Care requires the management of individual participants or clients as well as the flow and demands of the entire organisation. Dashboards visualise a consolidated set data for a certain purpose which enables users to see what is happening and to initiate actions through information visualisations that will better support decision-making in-the-moment. Dashboards to support and improve the performance of services and processes, and the potential it holds for supporting real-time decision-making. Here, we discuss the functions of Dashboards widgets specific for NDIS and My Aged Care providers in Australia.

NDIS Software: Australian Service Providers Challenge

Many NDIS and My Aged Care software packages are challenged with identifying a way to report quality indicators. Providing quantitative data to show how closely accepted policies and procedures are being followed is an important tool, but this process can be costly and unreliable if the manual accumulation of data is utilised. Many information systems lack the specialisation to gather data and the flexibility to combine data from multiple sources into one view.

NDIS Software: The Anatomy of a Dashboard system

Dashboards are collections of view lists, charts, web resources, iFrames, and organisation insights that can pull in things like website information that you can modify to show key performance indicators and other important data.

Here at Datanova we constructed Flowlogic, a web-based NDIS and My Aged Care one-stop solution with dashboards that displays instant measurements quality indicators to be used for accountability and to stimulate engagement. The underlying dashboard data can be accessed via hyperlinks so the circumstances behind non-compliant cases can be investigated. This centre’s experience has shown that these quality indicators have had a dramatic effect on monitoring service operations to conform with guidelines since outliers are now much more visible. It has enabled discovery of operational problems, allowing for their correction, and provided a measurement of the effectiveness of the corrective action. The visibility of these quality measures is an important motivating factor in ensuring compliance to procedures.

We would love to hear from you. Please book a free FlowLogic webinar or call us on 1300 552 166! Alternatively send an email to our friendly Digital Business Solution Architects. We will get back to you shortly.

Datanova has an in-depth knowledge of NDIS and data analytics for analysing data, as well as knowledge on the use of techniques and instruments for predictive purposes and to visualise the results. By combining disciplines, new insights and applications can be created and communicated using dashboards. Nevertheless, Datanova’s team also need to have an understanding of other elements like the policy-making, organisation, legislation and public values. This knowledge allows them to position the data in the context and to understand its use and implications.

NDIS Software:Data-driven dashboards for better decision-making

This article presents some of our Flowlogic Dashboard items aimed at improving the performance of your processes and service delivery. The dashboard examples below show that the design of a dashboard is dependent on many factors including the information available and its purpose. Although there are other purposes, dashboards are often aimed at empowering your staff by creating transparency and accountability.

In the context of monitoring service delivery or administrative data, numerous recent publications attest to the increasing popularity of automatically updated displays for summarising and tracking essential metrics. Such digital dashboards typically visualise relevant parameters for continuous decision making and have been proposed or deployed for diverse purposes, based on various technical approaches. Our WHS Incidents dashboard widget includes monitoring medication risks or incidents indicators, medication alert and critical event reports.

NDIS My Aged Dashbord Wigdet

NDIS My Aged Dashbord Wigdet for the communication book

NDIS Software: WHS Incidents dashboard wigdet for better decision-making

Our WHS Incidents dashboard widget for monitoring incidents and documentation was organised around current NDIS service providers feedback and needs. The research conducted intended to identify what information had to be seen by the different stakeholders and develop an integrated dashboard widget of WHS Incidents operational views, that could improve the operation and introduce a visual tool. Visualisations tools such as bar plots or ‘donut’ charts were integrated based on whether the approach is technically feasible and beneficial in practice. The FlowLogics WHS Incidents dashboard widget includes monitoring medication risks or incidents indicators, medication alert and critical event reports.

NDIS Software: Caseload dashboard wigdet summarises key progress indicators

While Flowlogic collects caseload data that would be potentially relevant for managing caseloads and documentation workflows, the data is mostly seen with a lack of appropriate views to the various levels. It is defined to be a time-consuming task to drill down the appropriate views to the various levels. In order to exploit its specific analytical capabilities, we implemented a caseload dashboard that graphically summarises key progress indicators of Agreement forms, case plans and KPI percentages and document status overviews.

We would love to hear from you. Please book a free FlowLogic webinar or call us on 1300 552 166! Alternatively send an email to our friendly Digital Business Solution Architects. We will get back to you shortly.

NDIS My Aged Dashbords Flowlogic

NDIS My Aged Dashbords Flowlogic

NDIS Software:Data-driven dashboards summary

It is important for organisations to have flexible, personalised and specific views, in order to ensure the availability and visualisation of important data that, integrated into the information system, can bring an increment of organisational self- awareness, adaptability, flexibility and agility to the Organisation. The creation of a system of views for the information architecture Australian Service Providers is important because it ensures the availability of the necessary information for each user, aiding decision making in real time, given the constant change in the external environment. The lack of appropriate views to the various levels of the Organisation defined the problem. Here at Datanova our intended to identify what information had to be seen by the different stakeholders and develop an integrated system of operational views (dashboards), that could improve your operation and introduce a link between the strategic, tactic and operational levels.

Please call a Datanova Digital Business Solution Architect on 1300 552 166 and book your complimentary Webinar or alternatively send an email to Datanova. You can book a webinar straight from our booking form here and we will get back to you shortly.

About Christian Krauter

The Founder of Datanova, a visionary and digital business solution architect with 24 years experience in the rapidly expanding fields ofinformation management systems, data governance and customer focused-strategy. Christian Krauter, is a recognised expert on analytical applications for Australian Government Services focused on improving client’s business results through cloud development, information management and data governance.