CRM and electronic systems are increasingly being introduced into healthcare settings. In residential aged care facilities (RACFs), CRM and electronic systems have the potential to improve care delivery while reducing caregivers’ documentation load and increasing the time available for residents’ care. In Australia, our audit of the official aged care accreditation reports shows that about … Read more
Aged Care
The NDIS participant portal is called myplace. It is a secure website portal on the Australian Government’s myGov website where you or a person you trust (a nominee or child representative) or an NDIS Service Provider can access your NDIS information. To make it easier to find and use information further enhancements have been made … Read more
Abstract Collection, processing, and long-term storage of data for broad-scale, collaborative client monitoring and management pose technical and administrative challenges that, if not properly addressed, result in suboptimal management and learning. Data from many cooperators, often spanning multiple organisations, must be efficiently centralised and processed, and must be consistent in content and quality over the … Read more
NDIS changed the volatile year for every Disability service provider in Australia, it seems. While the galaxy of company owners attention continues to reorganise around the NDIS, cloud-based software for the NDIS is also exerting influence that we are only now discovering. We should be living the golden age of data mining, chomping through seams … Read more
NDIS and My Aged Care ready to use Roster Solution NDIS and My Aged Care Service providers are confronted with many challenges. On the one hand, demographic changes demand additional services. On the other hand, organisations have to profitably manage the supply of services. That requires the efficient use of resources. These resources include the … Read more
NDIS MyAgedCare value of digital self-service: Towards assessing the value of digital self-service options from a provider perspective Given the ongoing digitisation of service, understanding the value co-creation process in the self-service context is getting more and more relevant for NDIS and My Aged Care providers alike. Prior research on service co-production has primarily focused … Read more
Intelligent Participant-Reported Feedback Service to engage, connect, improve and help participants achieve goals in their life. Under the NDIS, participants will have a plan that is tailored to your goals, personal circumstances and disability support needs. The NDIS presents challenges for disability service providers in determining their organisation’s strategic direction. On the one hand, there … Read more
Decision Support System Creates Competitive Advantage NDIS My Aged Care Businesses continually seek competitive advantage for NDIS and Aged Care to establish a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Operational automation and visibility is key – the pace of digital business demands that the right decisions are made at the right time… often at a pace … Read more
Over the last years we stepwise implemented our vision of a personal cross-enterprise electronic health record (PEHR) in the Rhine-Neckar-Region in Germany. The patient portal is one part of the PEHR architecture with IHE connectivity. The patient is enabled to access and manage his medical record by use of the patient portal. Moreover, he can … Read more
Aged Care Social Network Platforms Service Support: Most developed countries currently face a demographic change towards an ageing society. In this respect, the so-called transition age between 60 and 75 is crucial for individual health and wellbeing, since it usually is connected with the transition from work life to retirement. Keywords: Online Social Networks; Service … Read more